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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Creel

Pilot Project Success

The Patrick Henry Policy Institute's first project was conducted by the Board in the 2023 Fall semester. It dealt with two critical pieces of legislation that sought to promote human flourishing both domestically and abroad. The first bill was the IMPACTT Human Trafficking Act that increased and improved aftercare services for victims of human trafficking that were rescued by the Department of Homeland Security. The second bill was a House resolution (H.Res. 834) wherein the House committed to support Israel with defensive weaponry in the midst of the Israel-Gaza war. After conducting research and analysis of these two bills, the Policy Institute conducted a multi-factor evaluation of Congress to find the most important legislators to work with for these particular pieces of legislation. The Policy Institute then communicated with these legislators, raising awareness, providing key information, and persuading them to consider these bills. After these communications, 30% of these key legislative offices that were spoken with committed to raise awareness for the bills themselves or conduct their own elevations of the legislation.

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